High quality research relating to bisexuality both nationally and internationally
Bi+ Australia is committed to conducting, supporting and promoting high quality research relating to bisexuality both nationally and internationally.
Research Centre
The Bi+ Research Centre has been developed in direct response to both the high rates of poor mental health among bi+ people and the severe lack of research relating to this population. Our core research focus is to generate and promote new knowledge that will assist in the improvement of bi+ peoples’ mental health and lead to a greater understanding of bisexuality and pansexuality. In addition we seek to be a driving force behind an increased focus on bisexuality in research being conducted in Australia through strategic direction, support and collaboration.
Our Activities
Bi+ Australia is continually involved in leading bisexually focused research in Australia. Please see links at the bottom of this page for our current research projects. In addition we provide direction and support to other researchers whose work aligns with our aims. Stay up to date with our research activities by joining our mailing list from our homepage and liking us on Facebook.
Support and Collaboration
We can provide:
- Mentorship/supervisory support for higher degrees by research students completing honours, masters or doctoral level candidature at an Australian University and whose projects have a bisexual focus
- Consultation and advice for any researchers seeking to increase bisexual participation in their research and ensure bisexual inclusivity of their research instruments/methods
- Advice for researchers seeking direction for bisexual research projects
- Support for bisexual research projects by promoting recruitment opportunities through our networks
- Dissemination of bisexual research findings through our networks
Bi+ Australia are always keen to explore potential collaborations with researchers and research institutions conducting bisexually focused research. To discuss collaboration opportunities and/or how we might be able to support your research please contact us.